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Membership Information

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Membership in the Vertical Section is open to all NSS members demonstrating an interest in the objectives of the organization and agreeing to abide by its tenets. Membership shall not be denied due to race, sex, religious affiliation, or national origin.

Full Membership in the Vertical Section is open to all NSS members in good standing. Members can vote, hold office, and participate in all Section activities. They also receive access to the on-line Nylon Highway, plus any other publications, as authorized by the Executive Board of the Section. The Membership consists of those who attend an annual General Meeting and/or the Vertical Session at the annual NSS Convention and who sign the roster with their name and email (or regular) address. Membership can also be obtained by mail or Email (see below). VS Membership is also extended to all eligible persons who actively participate in the Vertical Events, such as Rigging, Operations & Management, and Derigging. The duration of membership shall be 5 years from the last meeting or event attended or last on-line registration, if the member's dues are not in arrears.

Membership Annual Dues were set to zero by the Section Board at the 2008 General Meeting. Suspension of dues was approved by the membership at that meeting.

Subscriber Status is open to Non-NSS members or groups. Subscribers are entitled only to receive Vertical Section publications. Subscribers may register by attending the VS General Meeting or Vertical Session at the annual NSS Convention or by registering by mail or Email (see below). The duration of subscriber status shall be 5 years from the last meeting attended or last on-line registration, if the subscriber's fees are not in arrears.
Subscriber Annual cost was also suspended at the 2008 General Meeting.

The Vertical Section On-line Google Group is not a forum on Vertical Caving, but is intended to be used as a communication mechanism from the Vertical Section Executive Board to the membership. The Google Group will allow the Board to easily send out group messages, if necessary. Once their Membership Application is received, new Section members will be invited to join the Google Group.

NH62 The Nylon Highway is now distributed only in electronic format (on this website). Each article will be posted on the website at the time it's received, to ensure timeliness of the information. At the close of each year, the "Annual Volume" of all articles submitted during that calendar year will be compiled and posted to the website for downloading. The electronic version will remain on the website indefinitely. Access to the electronic version will be determined by the member's standing or as determined by the Executive Board of the Vertical Section.



To join the Vertical Section, please send or E-mail the following information:

  • Type:   Membership or Subscriber
  • Full Name
  • NSS Number (required only for Membership)
  • Mailing Address
  • City, State, and Zip+4
  • Country (if not USA)
  • Phone Number
  • E-mail Address
Click here to download the membership application form ...
View/Download as PDF file (77kB). (Don't have Acrobat Reader?   See Below!)

Send (or e-mail, if appropriate) the above items to the Section Secretary/Treasurer:

NSS Vertical Section
c/o John DeRoo
2029 Silvastone Dr NE
Atlanta, GA   30345-3739

E-mail: nss@eitronix.com
Phone: (H) 508-740-4107 (Mobile)
  [7:00 PM to 10:00 PM weekdays only, please]
If you have any questions about membership, please contact John by e-mail at:

We're glad to have you as one of our team!

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You Can't Beat Gravity © 2020-2023, Vertical Section of the NSS, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Website by Gary Bush